Sunday, 20 May 2012

Answers for Oracle Interview Questions

23)What is the use of system level triggers?
You can use triggers to publish information about database events to subscribers. Applications can subscribe to database events just as they subscribe to messages from other applications. These database events can include:

System events

Database startup and shutdown
Server error message events

User events

User logon and logoff
DDL statements (CREATE, ALTER, and DROP)
DML statements (INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE)

24)What is an Exception in Oracle?
An exception is a runtime error or warning condition, which can be predefined or user-defined. Predefined exceptions are raised implicitly (automatically) by the runtime system. User-defined exceptions must be raised explicitly by RAISE statements. To handle raised exceptions, you write separate routines called exception handlers.

25)What is the difference between an error and an Exception?
Error: Any departure from the expected behavior of the system or program, which stops the working of the system is an error.
Exception:Any error or problem which one can handle and continue to work normally.

26)What is the use of an Exception Clause in Oracle?
We make use of the exception block whenever any error or problem which occurs, has to be by passed and continue the normal workflow of the application.

27)Will the use of an Exception clause hinder the performance?
It all depends on the exception routine and the operations performed within the exception routine.

28)What are the different types of Exceptions in Oracle?
System Defined Exceptions
user defined Exceptions
Un-named Exceptions

29)What is the use of the PRAGMA EXCEPTION INIT Clause?
The pragma EXCEPTION_INIT associates an exception name with an Oracle error number. You can intercept any ORA- error and write a specific handler for it instead of using the OTHERS handler.You can use EXCEPTION_INIT in the declarative part of any PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package. The pragma must appear in the same declarative part as its associated exception, somewhere after the exception declaration.

30)What is the Usual error(Number) raised when using a BULK COLLECT Clause?

31)How can you raise an Exception?
You can raise an exception using the RAISE and RAISE Application Error Clause.

32)What is the use of Re raising an Exception?
Re Raising an exception within the exception block occurs whenever some kind of auditing is required and when the audit information is recorded and the raised exception needs to be handled by the calling block or application.

33)Can we Use Exception clause for Auditing purposes? If so, How?
By making use of the RAISE Application Error Clause within the exception block after recording the audit information.

34)What is the use of SAVE Exceptions clause?
Since Oracle 9i the FORALL statement includes an optional SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause that allows bulk operations to save exception information and continue processing.  Once the operation is complete, the exception information can be retrieved using the SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS attribute.  This is a collection of exceptions for the most recently executed FORALL statement, with the following two fields for each exception:

SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_INDEX – Holds the iteration (not the subscript) of the original FORALL statement that raised the exception.  In sparsely populated collections, the exception row must be found by looping through the original collection the correct number of times.

SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_CODE – Holds the exceptions error code.

The total number of exceptions can be returned using the collections COUNT method, which returns zero if no exceptions were raised.  The save_exceptions.sql script, a modified version of the handled_exception.sql script, demonstrates this functionality.

35)Can we use the SAVE Exceptions clause in a normal sceanario even without using a BULK COLLECT?
No, SAVE Exceptions clause comes along with FORALL Clause.

36)What are the different Optimizer modes available in Oracle?

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